If you need information regarding external services or programs, we’ve compiled a list of resources below that might help. You can download a copy of our Service Handbook which contains a list of these resources, in addition to emergency services, our Client Charter of Rights and other helpful information. You can also access information about our organization, services, and how to obtain support here
Community Living British Columbia

Community Living BC (CLBC), a provincial crown agency mandated under the Community Living Authority Act, delivers support and services to adults with developmental disabilities and their families in British Columbia. CLBC is working to create communities where people with developmental disabilities have more choices about how they live, work and contribute.
See our involvement with CLBC’s ‘Include Me’ initiative!
Credit Counselling Society of B.C.

When you think of tracking your expenses, what comes to mind first? Maybe you’re curious about where your money is going or, do you dread the thought of having to write down every penny you spend? As far as managing personal income, the Credit Counselling Society of B.C. is both a reliable and accessible resource.
Accessible Services

TransLink is committed to providing 100% accessible service. Provides fully accessible services such as: SeaBus, SkyTrain, West Coast Express, or Community Shuttle.

HandyDART is TransLink’s door-to-door, shared-ride service for people who are unable to navigate conventional public transit without assistance.
Inclusion BC (formerly known as British Columbia Association for Community Living – BCACL)

Inclusion BC is a federation that advocates for children, youth and adults with developmental disabilities and their families to ensure justice, rights and opportunities in all areas of their lives.
Inclusion BC has also launched a new advocacy line to allow people to connect directly to an advocate.
You can also call the new Advocacy Line (Toll-free) at 1-844-488-4321 or email advocacy@inclusionbc.org
Programs for Persons with Disabilities

Programs and services for persons with disabilities offered by the Ministry of Social Development – including Disability Assistance – Supports to Employment – Bus Pass Program – Camp Fees – Community Volunteer Program – Guide Dog Allowance – Health Care and Dental Services – Vocational Rehabilitation Services.
Assistance Rate TableIncludes current Income Assistance (welfare) rates, Disability Assistance Rates, and Child in Home of Relative (CIHR) Benefits
Respite Benefits

Families may choose the type of respite services that best suit their needs. The program does not cover respite services provided by any person who is a dependent of the family and lives in the same household, or who is a parent of the child.
Services for People with Disabilities.

If you are living with a disability in B.C., there are programs and services available for you. These programs and services get funding of more than $5 billion each year. They are offered through government, crown agencies and corporations.
Disability Supports for Employment Fund (Vancouver Foundation)

The fund provides specialized accommodation, tools and services to support people with disabilities in the workplace. Employment supports includes aids for hearing, seeing, mobility or agility; adaptations to computer hardware and software; and vehicle or structural modifications. To apply, contact the Vancouver Foundation Tel: (604) 688-220
Food Bank

Before you can get food from the Food Bank you have to register. You can register at the Food Bank’s main office or at one of their locations.
Food Bank locations in the Greater Vancouver Area
Parking Permits for people with disabilities

Information and application form for Parking Permits for persons with disabilities.
BC Housing

People with disabilities who can live independently and are in receipt of a recognized disability pension.
Assistance with Security Deposit
If you are going to rent and need assistance with Security Deposit:
A supplement may be provided to assist recipients of income, hardship, and disability assistance with the cost of securing rental accommodation. This supplement is available under the Employment and Assistance Regulation and Employment and Assistance for Persons with Disabilities Regulation. For more info click here.
Health Forms

Links to electronic forms for the Medical Services Plan, Pharmacare/Pharmanet, Community and Assisted Living, Mental Health Forms, etc.
BC 211

Dialing 211 from any phone can connect people to a list of different services throughout B.C.. They also have an online service at www.bc211.ca
Family Support BC

The Family Support Institute is a province-wide organization whose purpose is to support and strengthen families faced with the extraordinary circumstances that come with having a family member who has a disability. 604-540-8374
Future Planning Tool

Plan Institute and Prosper Canada have launched the online Future Planning Tool to help persons with disabilities and those who support them to plan for the future. The Future Planning Tool is intended to promote long-term well-being for Canadians with disabilities by helping them and their families to accomplish their future planning goals, including financial planning, housing, relationships and more. Try the tool out for yourself.
Home Owner Grant Program

The program provides property tax relief to British Columbia residents who own and occupy their own homes. Persons with disabilities may be entitled to receive an additional grant through the program. More information on eligibility is available on the Home Owner Grant Program website.
Planned Lifetime Advocacy Network (PLAN)

PLAN is a non-profit organization, established in 1989 by and for families committed to future planning and securing a good life for their relative with a disability. 604.439.9566